Sample Invoice. Each element is described below.

Invoice Recipient

This is the person/organisation that the Invoice is to be addressed to (for organisations, enter the name in the last name box).

System Options can be set to automatically use:

1) Family Representative

2) Blank

Invoice Number

The invoice number should uniquely distinguish this invoice.

System Options can be set to automatically generate an number by either:

1) Using incremental invoice numbers (1, 2, 3, 4 ...)

2) Using Client Number and appended numbers for extra invoices (9999, 9999-1, 9999-2)

3) Leaving blank for manual entry

Invoice Date

The date of the Invoice has importance for discount offers and due dates. The two buttons to the right allow for quick use of Arrangement Date or Service Date as the Invoice Date.

System Options can be set to automatically use either:

1) Current Date

2) Service Date

3) Manual

Invoiced By

This will default to the current logged-in staff name. This can be changed by the list selection. This is used primarily as an internal field.


This field is used primarily as an internal descriptor to distinguish multiple invoices in the Invoices List. eg. Funeral Charges or Urn Purchase


Indicates the current status of this Invoice. This is reflected in places such as the Finance Dashboard.


Internal notes field. This does not display on Invoice reports.

Fees List

The list displays all fees linked to this Invoice. to edit a fee, select in the list and double-click to display the Fee Details. Note that any changes made to Fee details are immediately reflected in the Fees Estimate and associated Invoice. (there is only one fee which is displayed on the Fees Estimate and associated Invoice)

If a Packaged Fees Template has been used, the Fees List will be grouped first by the Package and then Additional Fees. If no template has been used, the Fees List will be grouped by Fee Category.

Add from Fees Estimate button

This button will display a list of any existing unvoiced fees for this client. These fees are available to be linked to this invoice. Linking an existing fee does NOT copy the fee, rather the fee is simply linked to the Invoice and marked as Invoiced.

This method is the quickest way to manually add fees to an invoice.

Add New Fee from Price List

If a brand new fee needs to be created for this client, clicking this button will display the Price List. After selecting a price item, this fee will be added to the Fees Estimate and then linked to this Invoice. Note this will affect the Fees Estimate total.

Remove from Invoice

Selecting a fee line item in the Fees List of the Invoice and then clicking this button will prompt to remove the fee from this Invoice. This will NOT delete the fee itself, only de-link it from the Invoice. As a result the Invoice total will change and the fee will be listed in the Fees Estimate as unvoiced.

Account Terms

This selection determines that terms and conditions that apply to this Invoice. The list of Account Terms can be configured under Maintain Lists. The selected Account Terms may have a Due Date configured. This is usually calculated dynamically based on service date or invoice date.

Discount Offer

If a discount is to be offered, the offer should be selected here. The list of Discount Offers can be configured under Maintain Lists. The Discount Offer may be automatically filled in from the default Client Discount Offer or it may be linked to a selected Account Terms. The discount offer may alter or change the appearance and totals of the Invoice Report (depending on customization).

Payment Due

This label will display the calculated Due Date based on the Account Terms. This due date is usually calculated from either the service date or invoice date.


Indicates the tax exclusive total of linked fees for this invoice


Indicates the tax component of linked fees for this invoice

Invoice Total

Indicates to tax inclusive total of linked fees for this invoice

Less Payments

Indicates the total of any payments that are applied/linked to this invoice

Balance Due

Indicates the final balance due for this invoice. A negative amount indicates a Refund is due.

Delete button

Clicking the Delete button will prompt to permanently delete this invoice. This will NOT delete any linked fees. Any linked fees will then revert to unvoiced.

Cancel button

The Cancel button closes the Invoice form without saving changes. This does not apply to any changes to linked fees (requires manual reversal)

OK button

The OK button saves all changes made to this invoice.

Transfer Invoice to MYOB/Transfer Invoice to Xero

If the addon is configured, the Transfer pane will be visible with the Transfer Invoice.. button visible. Pressing this button will instigate the process of transferring the Invoice information to the selected third-party accounting software.

If the Transfer Invoice.. button is replaced with a View Invoice.. button, this indicates the Invoice has already been transferred to the selected third-party accounting software.

If you need to change the Transfer status, click the Advanced settings button to the right of the notes field. This allows you to revert the transfer status.

For more information on invoice transfers, please see the relevant solution article for specific third-party software.

Invoice Menu

You can access a number of functions from the Menu at the top of the Invoice screen.

  • Print - The default Invoice report will be generated for the selected Invoice. This will also create a PDF copy under the client's folder
  • Email - This function will attach the PDF file to an email addressed to the Invoice Recipient (under development)
  • New Payment - Create a new, linked payment for this invoice
  • Close - Same function as OK button

Associated Payments

The linked payments can be viewed by clicking the blue dollar sign button next to 'less Payments'. This will display a list of associated/linked Payments.

You can edit a payment by double-clicking on the payment in the list.

You can add a new payment by clicking the Add Payment button

You can delete a payment (permanently) by clicking the Delete Payment button.

Click the blue dollar sign button again to toggle views.