Configuring Third-Party Accounting Software

You will need to purchase the desired FuneralSoft Add On before it can be configured.

The third-party accounting software link is configured under Tools -> Options (permissions required), and then selecting Accounting Integration. See the relevant specific article for further configuration information.

Transferring an Invoice

After an Invoice is created (and the add on is configured), a purple pane will appear at the bottom of the Invoice indicating the Transfer status.

If the button Transfer Invoice to... is visible, this indicates the Invoice has not yet been transferred.

Clicking the Transfer Invoice button will commence the transfer process.

If the button View .. Invoice is visible, this indicates the Invoice has already been transferred.

The transfer date and staff member will be displayed.

From this point on, the transfer is handled by the specific Add On for the relevant third-party software. Please refer to the specific relevant Add On article for more details. 

For MYOBLink click here

Manually change Transfer Status

The Invoice transfer status is just a flag stored to indicate the successful transfer of the Invoice.

If you need to override or change the transfer status, click the Advanced Settings button located to the right of the notes field. 

This will display a pane with the buttons to Clear Transfer Status (revert to not transferred) and a button to Set Transfer Status (defaults to today's date and the logged-in staff name)

Click the Hide button and then save the Invoice. Changing the Transfer Status does NOT affect that actual transfer of the Invoice or the status of the invoice located in third-party software.