Managing Disbursements
The Finance Dashboard provides the ability to manage disbursement fees in bulk. You have the ability to mark disbursements as PAID or NOT PAID.
Accessing the Disbursements Summary
The Disbursements Summary is found under the Finance Dashboard.
1) Click the Dashboards button on the left
2) Click Finance (permissions required)
3) Click Disbursements to display the Disbursements Summary
Displaying Disbursements
Disbursements are displayed against a provider (which is otherwise a Contact), thus to find a disbursement fee, you need to search by provider first.
1) You can search on Provider name by using the search box at the top of the provider list. This will filter the list to the results of your search. Alternatively, you can click and select directly on name in the provider list.
2) You will need to set the date parameters that you want to use. You can set the start and finish dates along with the sort order at the top of the list.
3) The resulting disbursement fees will be displayed with associated client name, fee description and disbursement paid status.
Changing Individual Disbursements
1) To change the status of a single disbursement, click on the fee to highlight it (light blue highlight).
2) Click the green tick button to mark disbursement as PAID. Alternatively, click the grey
button to mark disbursement as NOT PAID.
3) The grid will refresh to reflect the new status.
Changing Multiple Disbursements
The ability to change the status of multiple disbursements in bulk is also available (per contact).
1) Search and set date filter so relevant disbursement fees are displayed on the right.
2) Highlight (yellow highlight) multiple fees by clicking and then pressing spacebar to toggle yellow highlight.
3) Click the button to process all yellow highlighted fees as PAID
4) Alternatively, you can automatically yellow highlight all unpaid fees by clicking the button.
Changing Disbursement Details
You can adjust the details of a disbursement fee by double-clicking on the fee in the grid. This will open the full fee details with the disbursement details on the right. Changes made here affect the client file, so careful attention is warranted.