Print Reports Button

When a Client is highlighted in the Client List or a Client file is opened, the Client Toolbar will be displayed at the top of the screen. The Print Reports button will be available to access reports for this Client.

Reports List

The reports available for this client will dynamically change according to Client Type (Interment/Cremation) and whether the system is configured to show ALL reports (default) or only THIS CLIENT'S reports.

Show This Client's Reports

This option will only list reports that are added to this Client File, usually auto-added by Funeral Type selection, Contact selection or Location selection.

Show All Reports

This option will show all reports unless limited by Client Type (Interment/Cremation)

Searching for a Report

You can start typing a report name as soon as the form is displayed. The list will display the results of the search.

Single Report Printing

Using the mouse or arrow keys to highlight a report in the list. The highlight will be blue.

Multiple Report Printing

Use the mouse to tick the checkbox on the left of each report name to select multiple reports to print at once.

Reports Marked as Printed

Once a report has been generated, FuneralSoft automatically marks that report as printed and displays this in the report list by a yellow background and a printer icon. You can re-print any previously printed reports. Any reports printed that are not already on the Client's reports list will be added to their report list and marked as printed.