Funeral enquiries can be processed via the Enquiry screen. This facility can be used for Preneed enquiries (request for quote etc) and for pending At Need enquiries (not yet committed).
The Enquiry screen allows you to capture basic details such as the Client details, Caller details and the nature of enquiry. If the enquiry is a pending At Need, saving the Enquiry will create a client but only display it under the 'Enquiry' filter on the Client List screen. This is a 'holding' area for enquiries and quotes.
Add an Enquiry
To add an Enquiry, click the Enquiry button on the toolbar next to the First Call button in the top-right corner.
Client Numbering
Client numbering for Enquiries is compiled using the following sequence: HOLD YYYYMD FirstInitial LastInitial eg. HOLD 201684JD
This provides a unique reference that also indicates the date + initials. This client number is replaced if Enquiry is converted to At Need or Pre Need.
Enquiry Type
The options denotes whether the Enquiry is a Preneed enquiry (usually to obtain a fees quote) or Pending (imminent At Need but not yet committed to the Funeral Company).
Funeral Type
If you have Funeral Types configured, you can select from a pre-defined set of funeral configurations. If these Funeral Types have Fee Templates attached, you will be prompted to add those Fee Templates as a Quote. You can choose not to add the Fee Template. A Funeral Type may also have a disposition type and venue configuration specified in which case these will be added to the Enquiry.
Fee Quotes
You can add multiple fee quotes to an Enquiry by clicking the Add Quote button. This will display the Fee Template selector. The Fee Template name is used by default as the name of the Quote. You can double-click the quote name to edit the full quote in the standard Preneed Agreements window (Quotes a variation of a Preneed Agreement and are stored in the same area under Preneed).
Fees List
You can add fees to the selected quote by clicking Add Fee and selecting a fee from the displayed Price List. You can adjust a fee by double-clicking the fee item in the list.
Monthly Repayment Calculator
Provided as a simple way to break down costs to a monthly amount, you can use this by enter the number of months over which payment will be made. Alternatively, you can enter the desired monthly amount and the number of months will be displayed. These figures have no further impact.
Open Client Button
If you need to add more detail to the file, you can click the Open Client button and open the underlying client file as per normal for editing.
Convert Button
If the Enquiry becomes a pre-arrangement or an at need arrangement, you can convert the Enquiry client to a Pre Need file or an At Need file. This action will prompt you with a revised client number and a list of quotes for optional conversion to Preneed Agreements or Fee Estimates.
Print Button
Once any fee quotes are entered/complied, you can print the Funeral Quote report by clicking the Print button. This will display any Enquiry Quotes.
Email Button
Similar to the Print function, except the report will be generated silently and then and email message compiled to the caller with the Funeral Quote report attached.
Funeral Quote Report
When you print or email from the enquiry window, the following report is generated.